Trunyan |
Trunyan is unique in treating the bodies of its citizens. Unlike Hindus in general in Bali who solemnize cremation for burial (Ngaben). But in Trunyan, the body was not burned, but only placed in the cemetery Trunyan. It is precisely the skulls that is the appeal of the village Trunyan is regarded as the village of Bali Aga or original Balinese.
Why are the bodies which lay just at sema (tomb) was not causing the smell? Though naturally, it happened on the decomposition of corpses? This is the main attraction for tourists to visit these tourist sites. Well, why it is said, in the forest area there is a tree known to be named Taru Menyan incense fragrant smell and is able to neutralize the stench of corpses. Taru means tree, Menyan meaning fragrant incense. Taru Menyan tree, only growing in this area. Be Tarumenyan are then better known as Trunyan which is believed as the origin of the name of the village.
Trunyan located in the eastern of the Batur lake, the location is very remote. Road from Penelokan, Kintamani only reached to Kedisan village. Kedisan Village to have crossed the lake Batur Trunyan for 45 minutes by motor boat or a wooden boat called Jukung. In addition to the water path, can also Trunyan can take by road, passing through the village trail Fruits and brother. Eve was very cool air Trunyan Village, the average temperature is 17°C
Trunyan’s tradition have 3 ways to bury the bodies of its citizens. In this village there are three tomb (sema) that are intended for three different types of death.
When one resident died of natural Trunyan, his body will be covered in white cloth, in ceremonial, then placed without buried under a big tree called Taru Menyan, in a location called Sema Wayah.
However, if the cause of unnatural death, such as accidents, suicide, or murdered, his body will be placed in a location called Sema Bantas.
As for the burying infants and small children, or people who've grown but not married, will be placed in the Sema Muda.