Sunrise Beach, Sanur |
If you want to watch the sunset in Bali we can enjoy its beauty in Kuta, but if you want to enjoy the beautiful sunrise, we can enjoy it in Sanur. From Sindhu beach you can enjoy the beautiful panorama at sunrise.
Sunrise Beach, Sanur |
If you want to watch the sunset in Bali we can enjoy its beauty in Kuta, but if you want to enjoy the beautiful sunrise, we can enjoy it in Sanur. From Sindhu beach you can enjoy the beautiful panorama at sunrise.
Kite Festival Sanur |
Unlike most plays kites. In the Kite Festival in Sanur, a kite is allowed to dance in the sky coloring the sky at Sanur Beach. Without having complained to other kites to drop out.
Sang Hyang Chandra |
If we hear about the moon, surely we have in mind is the romantic atmosphere under the bright full moon that shine at night. Moreover, if the atmosphere of the moon is on the beach with the breeze rustling.
Kintamani |
Bali is famous for its beautiful scenery, culture and the arts are very charming local and domestic tourists. One of the interesting places and fascinating is the Kintamani. The hills with the cool air as we enjoy Bedugul, with views of Mount Batur and Lake Batur. Mount Batur is still active, and is the second highest mountain after Mount Agung at Besakih area.